According to a report by the Department of Livestock Production, in 2020 the total pig herd reached 26.17 million (equalling about 85% of the census before the African swine fever outbreak occurred). The country's total sow herd has recovered to approximately 3 million head.
The total output of animal feed in 2020 is estimated at 20 million tons, up 5.6% compared to 2019.

According to the General Department of Customs, the country will have imported 41,500 breeding pigs by the end of 2020 (turnover of 24.7 million USD) and 301,000 pigs (turnover 84.6 million USD). The total amount of imported meat (pork, chicken, cattle, goats, sheep) is over 321,000 tons (equal to 6% of the total output of domestically produced meat by live-weight).
By 2020, the export turnover of livestock products is estimated at about 1.2 billion USD. In which, fresh, chilled or frozen pork is about 28.5 million USD; Processed meat and meat by-products are estimated at $ 28.1 million. Feed and raw materials about 789 million USD.
In 2021, the Department of Livestock Production aims to increase the average value of livestock production by 2021 to about 5-6%. Production of meat of all kinds reached about 5.7 million tons, of which pork reached about 3.67 million tons (up 6.1%), poultry meat reached about 1.5 million tons (up 5.8%). beef, about 395 thousand tons (up 6%). Yield of eggs reached about 15.6 billion (up 7.5%) and milk production reached about 1.21 million tons (up 11.5%).
December 28, 2021/ Department of Livestock/ Vietnam.