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Eurobarometer: What do Europe's citizens think about climate change?

According to a new Eurobarometer survey, more than half believe that the transition to a green economy should be accelerated.

26 July 2023

According to a new Eurobarometer survey:

  • a large majority of Europeans believe that climate change is a serious problem facing the world (93%);
  • more than half believe that the transition to a green economy should be accelerated (58%) in the face of soaring energy prices and concerns over gas supplies following Russia's invasion of Ukraine;
  • from an economic point of view, 73% of Europeans recognize that the cost of the damage caused by climate change far outweighs the investment required for a green transition;
  • and three quarters (75%) of Europeans agree that measures taken to combat climate change will encourage innovation.

European citizens also feel the threat of climate change in their daily lives:

  • on average, more than a third of Europeans feel personally exposed to environmental and climate-related risks and threats, with more than half feeling this way in seven member states, mainly in Southern Europe, but also in Poland and Hungary;
  • 84% of Europeans believe that combating climate change and environmental problems should be a priority for improving public health;
  • while 63% of those surveyed agree that preparing for the effects of climate change can have positive benefits for EU citizens.

July 21, 2023/ EC/ European Union.

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