With shipments of around 1.2 million tons and a 12.3% share of total world exports of pork products and by-products, Brazil maintained its fourth-place ranking of global exporters in 2023.
In 2023, 54.6% of Brazilian exports were from the federative unit of Santa Catarina, followed by Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná with shares of 23.1% and 14% respectively. Together these three states accounted for over 90% of the country's pork exports last year.

The port of Itajaí accounted for 34.41% of exports, 23.62% were from the port of Sao Francisco do Sul, 16.05% from the port of Paranaguá, 11.59% from the port of Rio Grande, and the remaining 14% from other customs offices, including Sao Borja.
Pork cuts accounted for 89.06% of total pork exports in 2023, offal and fat accounted for 8.36% and 1.21% respectively, while products such as processed products, carcasses, hides, and skins accounted for only 1.4%.
In the last year, 67.04% of Brazilian exports went to the Asian continent, while 19.77% went to the Americas. Africa (8.34%), the Middle East (3.96%), Europe (non-EU countries) (0.76%), and Oceania (0.04%) accounted for 13% of the destinations for Brazilian pork in 2023.
Brazilian pork reached 89 international markets in 2023. However, just 5 of these (China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Chile, and Singapore) accounted for more than 65% of total exports for the year.
China was the main export destination in 2023, even though shipments to the country fell by 15.56% compared to 2022, from 460,260 t to 388,655 t.
With the exception of China and Argentina, shipments to most export destinations last year saw significant growth compared to 2022. For the first time, pork exports to Mexico reached 28,601 tons.
333 Latin America with Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) data/ Brazil.