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ASF Poland: 25% of wild boar found dead in affected zones tested positive for virus

An update on the surveillance in wild boar and domestic pigs presented at the virtual meeting of the standing group of experts on African Swine Fever.

2 December 2020

In the virtual meeting of the standing group of experts on African Swine Fever (SGE ASF16), participating member countries presented their national epidemiological situation regarding ASF. The following is a summary from the report on the ASF situation in Poland from May 2020 to the end of October 2020.

Wild boar surveillance

In the zones of the country considered free until at least the beginning of the period, 2,144 wild boar were found dead and 34 were hunted. None of these animals tested PCR positive nor seropositive. (May 8 to September 30, 2020)

In the zones of the country already considered affected and at risk (part, I, II and III) at the beginning of the period, 2,869 wild boar were found dead, 25% of which tested PCR positive for ASF. Another 48,934 wild boar were hunted, 0.25% of which were PCR positive and 0.5% were seropositive.

Domestic pig surveillance

In the zones of the country considered free until at least the beginning of the period (8 May to 28 October) 11 suspicions on commercial farms / backyards were reported and there were 2 confirmed ASF outbreaks.

In the zones of the country already considered affected or at risk (part I,II and III) at the beginning of the period, 162 suspicions on commercial farms / backyards were reported and there were 99 confirmed ASF outbreaks.

The breakdown of the 101 outbreaks for the period in domestic pigs by month is as follows: June, 3; July, 16; August 56; September, 21; October, 5.

November 23, 2020/ OIE.

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