Mr. Stéphane le Foll, the Minister of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry; and Mr. Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, got together, on October 12th, 29 companies of the beef and pork sectors that had already decided to join in the SAS “France Viande Export” trading platform, whose statutes have been adopted by its founders on this occasion.
The implementation of this platform must allow a better rallying of the French supply and to build trustful and durable trading partnerships with the importing countries, bearing in mind the applicable regulations, especially health regulations, as well as the specifications decreed by these countries.

Through this innovative platform, the companies will be able to answer, jointly, to the commercial offers and opportunities for exportation, especially for being able to provide the highest volumes and to use a unique brand to better promote the French meat in third countries. It is a question of gathering, in a coordination and market entry structure, the professionals that are directly connected with the markets.
Monday, 12 October 2015/ MAAF/ France.