The European Commission proposes to mobilise additional EU funding for EU farmers impacted by adverse climatic events, high input costs, and diverse market and trade related issues. The new support package will consist of €330 million for 22 Member States. In addition, Member States today approved the €100 million support package for farmers in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia presented on 3 May. Several other measures, including a possibility of higher advance payments should support farmers affected by adverse climatic events.
EU farmers from Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Finland, and Sweden will benefit from this exceptional support of €330 million from the CAP budget. The countries may complement this EU support up to 200% with national funds.

In addition to this direct financial support, the Commission is proposing to allow higher advance payments of CAP funds. Up to 70% of their direct payments and 85% of rural development payments related to area and animals could be available to farmers as of mid-October to improve their cash-flow situation. Member States will also have the possibility to amend their CAP Strategic Plans to redirect CAP funds towards investments that re-establish production potential following destroyed crops, loss of farm animals, and damaged buildings, machinery and infrastructure due to adverse climate events. The amendments introduced by national governments within that framework would not be counted in the maximum number of amendments allowed. Similarly, flexibility in the implementation of the sectorial programmes for wine and fruit and vegetables is also granted. This allows beneficiaries to better attune their measures to the current market situation.
June 26, 2023/ European Commission/ European Union.