Asia: pig prices

In this section we offer the latest prices and the historical evolution of the most important swine markets. The prices can be seen in different units and currencies (the conversions are made according to the exchange rates of each date).

The values can be seen as numerical data or on a chart. The graph format allows for several years to be shown correlatively in order to see trends or to compare differences between years. The evolution of the average price per year is also shown.

It is also possible to show up to four markets on the same chart in order to compare trends, although the values are not directly comparable since each market uses a different base (live or carcass weight, lean percentage, etc.). When comparing 2 markets using different currencies the evolution of the exchange rate is also shown.

Registered users can access the interactive graphs, compare different markets, select several years to check trends, etc.


JMMA Carcass
22 Sep
640.00JPYkg39.00 5.7%
MOA Live
11 Sep
20.05CNYkg0.180 0.9%
South Korea
South Korea
Ekapepia Carcass
23 Sep
6250KRWkg6.000 0.1%
North Live
27 Sep
69500VNDkg0.000 0%

Registered users can access the interactive graphs, compare different markets, select several years to check trends, etc.

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