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Press releases - News

Smithfield Foods to Reaffirm Benefits of Shuanghui-Smithfield Transaction for U.S. Agriculture Industry

Smithfield Foods, Inc. (NYSE:SFD) announced that C. Larry Pope, president and chief executive officer of Smithfield, will testify today before the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry to review the benefits of the Shuanghui-Smithfield transaction for U.S. farmers and agriculture, while reaffirming the commitment to upholding the highest food safety standards.

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ACMC: don’t delay culling sows

Cull sow prices may be down — up to £30 per head compared with last year — but pig producers have been advised not to put off replacing older, less productive animals in their breeding herds.


The pig sector events all around the world

Pig prices

Germany26 Feb
China19 Feb
Spain 27 Feb

JSR’s top tips to combat summer infertility

It’s an age old problem, when the summer temperatures rise, fertility in pigs (and many other mammals) declines. It is nature’s way of limiting the number of offspring produced in the winter when the temperature is cold and food is in shorter supply.

New WEDA Software Improves Sow Management

WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp GmbH (Lutten) treat their feeding computer “4PX“ with new and useful program features. With this current version, WEDA provide new tools – especially for pig farmers – which increase the efficiency of the entire animal house management.

Pig production data

Figures & trends in pig numbers, pork production and pork trade.

Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs

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