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Press releases - News

Solid investment in strawed pens

With confidence returning to the Scottish pig industry, an Aberdeenshire pig farmer has invested £50,000 in new solid-floored straw-based finishing house to produce 1,000 plus pigs a year at Kingshornie, Inverbervie.

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Testing females to improve accuracy

With high-priced feed accounting for the major cost of production, it is important to test the females in all lines, as well as the males, since they contribute 50 per cent of the genetics to the next generation.

Presenting Pork CRC APSA awards

University of Queensland post-graduate, Larissa Beale, has been awarded Pork CRC Best Presentation at the 2011 13th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Pig Science Association (APSA) Conference.


The pig sector events all around the world


Pig prices

Germany8 Jan
China1 Jan
Spain 9 Jan

Pig production data

Figures & trends in pig numbers, pork production and pork trade.


Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs


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