Press releases - News
Norel Opens a New Branch in Brazil
DuPont extends fastest-acting phytase product line in Europe
Semen Cardona starts the building works of its new AI stud in the Philippines
Following Semen Cardona's policy, the new insemination stud is created together with the local partner Plaridel forming the Semen Cardona Philippines Company that will manage and market the doses produced in the Philippines.
Heat stress could be underestimated in swine: European state of play and new study on live yeast benefits
2017 World Pork Expo: One for the Record Books
More exhibits, live hogs and new products, services and technology were on display at World Pork Expo, June 7-9.
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Topigs Norsvin: New nucleus farm in South Africa
Topigs Norsvin is proud to present a new nucleus farm in South Africa: Rietfontein. This modern facility has a capacity of 1,500 SPF sows.
Space 2017: Participation figures
67% of the exhibitors at SPACE reported engaging in or planning to develop export activities. 89% said that SPACE enabled them to establish useful business contacts.
Topigs Norsvin: New resting place in Germany
Topigs Norsvin decided to establish its own resting places in the EU at strategic locations. Those resting places are exclusively for Topigs Norsvin breeding animals.
Translating scientific nutritional discoveries into on-farm solutions
Algae work to reduce piggery greenhouse gas emissions
Co-digestion of pig slurry with algal biomass resulted in a slightly higher methane yield.
The most...
- Germany's first case of FMD in 37 years affects water buffalo
- Estimated pork consumption around the world for 2021 and 2022
- What are the largest swine production companies in the world?
- Thailand's swine production in 2024 and expectations for 2025
- Ranking of pork producing, exporting, importing, consuming countries
Iowa Swine Day promises prime pork program and award-winning BBQ
DuPont Brings Adaptive Animal Feed Solution to Swine Producers with Launch of Syncra® SWI
Syncra® SWI delivers unique energy and amino acid digestibility for pigs, powered by the probiotic’s agile enzyme-production, working in harmony with the protease.
IRTA-CReSA carries out a pathology course for the Asian swine sector
The course consisted of a theoretical session in the morning including discussion of clinical cases, and an autopsy practical session in the afternoon in the necropsy room facilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
HAMLET PROTEIN: Seminar at World Pork Expo
Insects oil
Confident in choosing your phytase? New video outlines key factors to consider for consistent phosphorus release and cost savings
ESPHM 2017
In total 1562 delegates, partners and sponsoring company staff members from in total 49 countries participated in this event.
Produmix participates in new R&D&I projects
Produmix is currently working in various research projects with universities and other international reference centers.
The Magapor R & D & i Biotechnology team receives a prize in Taiwan
The speech of Raquel Ausejo, technical director of Magapor and head of the R & D & I biotechnology department, speech was rewarded by the auditorium.
Osborne introduces new wean-to-finish feeder
The new FAST Start™ wean-to-finish feeder features all the no-waste, feed saving aspects of the Big Wheel family of mechanical-flow feeders, but operates in gravity-flow mode for newly weaned pigs. The feeder then automatically converts to mechanical-flow as pigs grow.
Comprehensive online management biosecurity assessment tool
USMEF kicks off Spring Conference, announces succession plan
To close the session, USMEF past chairman Roel Andriessen, who chaired the search committee charged with finding and recommending candidates for the position of USMEF president, explained the extensive process that led the committee to identify Halstrom as its leading candidate.