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Reports - News

FIGAN 2015

FIGAN 2015


Pictures from the 12th edition of FIGAN that has been held in Zaragoza, Spain, from March 17-20, 2015.

VIV Asia 2015

VIV Asia 2015


VIV Asia, the international trade show based on the 'Feed to Meat' principle has been held in Bangkok, Thailand from March 11-13, 2015.

Eurotier 2014

Eurotier 2014


A photo report on Eurotier, which is being held from 11 to 14 November 2014 in Hanover, Germany.

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IPVS 2014 3

IPVS 2014


Between June 8-11 was held the 23th edition of the IPVS en Cancun, Mexico.

ESPHM 2014

ESPHM 2014


The 6th edition of the European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) has been held in Sorrento, Italy from May 7-9, 2014.

prrs 4

PRRS Diagnosis and Monitoring Workshop


On October 17-19, 2013 the final meeting of the project "Understanding and fighting PRRS in Europe" (COST action FA0902) focused on the diagnosis and the monitoring of PRRS was held in Greece.


The pig sector events all around the world


Pig prices

Germany15 Jan
China8 Jan
Spain 16 Jan
APVS 2013

APVS 2013


We have added more pictures about the 6th Asian Pig Veterinary Society Congress (APVS 2013) edition that has been held in Vietnam.

Pig production data

Figures & trends in pig numbers, pork production and pork trade.


Diseases manual

Description of the most important diseases and conditions in pigs


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