Enteritis - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: digestive system, intestines
Possible causes: ColibacillosisPorcine epidemic diarrheaIleitisRotavirus infectionSalmonellosisTransmissible gastroenteritis
E. coli with a virulence factor F18 was detected by RT-PCR in this pig.
E. coli is a common inhabitant of the intestine of the pig. At weaning time the loss of sows milk and IgA allow the E. coli to attach to the villi of the small intestines, the toxins cause acute enteritis and diarrhoea. Post-weaning diarrhoea is a common cause of mortality and morbidity. Zinc Oxide had been removed from the weaner diet. These weaner pigs did not have any medication in feed or water. The inclusion of Zinc oxide and medicating the water with colistin helped to resolve the problem. Zinc Oxide in the peri-weaning diets improves pig health and acts as a growth promoter. It prevents diarrhoea and post-weaning enteric disturbances greatly.