Gastric Ulceration of the Pars Oesophagea - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: digestive system, stomach
Possible causes: Gastric ulcers
Gastric ulceration of the pars oesophagea is important in the pig. The cause is not clear. The pig helicobacter, Helicobacter suis, is present in the stomach and is capable of causing gastritis and ulceration. Other bacteria can ferment carbohydrate, producing organic acids and predisposing the pars oesophagea to ulceration. Pneumonia and infection by the stomach worm, Hyostrongylus rubidis, may predispose to gastric ulceration. Nutrition may play some part in the condition and finely-ground pelleted feeds may also be involved. Stresses such as transport, starvation, mixing and overcrowding, increase the incidence of gastric ulceration in pigs. Ulcers may remain open and blood vessels may rupture to cause death by bleeding. Healing may occur at any stage but is accompanied by scarring if ulceration has occurred.