Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: digestive system, lymphatic system, liver, lymph nodes, spleen
Possible causes: Porcine circovirosisOther
This is a case of the most common form of cancer or neoplasia in the pig, known as a lymphoma. This is a cancerous growth of the lymphoid cells of the pig, which form large growths and nodules in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and lungs, leading to illness and death. In lymphoma, there may be spectacular lesions of an enlarged liver, sometimes with large yellow cheese-like nodules present. These lesions are also visible in the lymph nodes, spleen and lungs. Cancer in pigs is not infectious and usually is seen as an occasional death of an adult sow or boar. It does not cause outbreaks of disease or deaths. This disease illustrates the importance of autopsy, so that cases of individual diseases, such as cancer, which do not threaten the herd, can be contrasted with many other diseases, such as APP, which may be infectious and threaten other pigs.