Idiopathic Pulmonary Haemorrhage - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: respiratory system, lungs
Possible causes: ActinobacillosisGlässer diseaseOther
This image shows a congestion of the left diaphragmactic pulmonary lobe with a blood clot in the thoracic cavity. There are many possible causes of pulmonary haemorrhage. Infection is a common cause. However, it is not always possible to identify the cause. Where no cause can be found, this is called idiopathic pulmonary haemorrhage, as in this case.
Bleeding may come from just one area of the lung, as in this case, or from lots of different parts. Causes of localised pulmonary haemorrhage include infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis or cystic fibrosis; congenital lung malformations; physical trauma; a weakness in the blood vessels; or, lung tumours. It is likely that the cause of this anecdotal finding was physical trauma, such as fighting or rough handling of the animal.