Lung consolidation with interstitial pneumonia - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: respiratory system, lungs
Possible causes: Aujeszky's diseaseEnzootic Pneumonia (EP)PasteurellosisPorcine circovirosisPRRSInfluenza
The European PRRS strain was detected by RT-PCR with a CT of 21.2.
Results came back negative to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (enzootic pneumonia), swine Influenza and PCV-2 by RT-PCR. The unit was vaccinating the weaners against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and PCV-2 at weaning. The breeding herd was PRRS positive and was vaccinated with a live attenuated PRRS vaccine. However, weaners were not vaccinated.
The unit had increased from 600 to 1,000 sows recently and it has caused overstocking in the weaning houses.