Rectal prolapse - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: digestive system, genitourinary system
Possible causes: Rectal prolapseVaginal and cervical prolapse
Prolapse of rectal or vaginal tissues usually occurs sporadically in pigs, but when there is a common cause, it can appear as an outbreak. Although rarely seen in nursing piglets, all other age groups are susceptible.
Rectal prolapse is often the result of environmental (cold) stress, or the stress of transportation. It can also be associated with severe enteritis, especially enteritis caused by salmonellosis or ascariasis in young pigs. Rectal prolapse can also occur as a result of severe coughing or straining caused by constipation, cystitis, vaginitis, or urethral obstruction.
In the case of multiparous sows, vaginal and/or rectal prolapse sometimes occurs as a result of the flaccidity and relaxation of the birth canal near farrowing. Vaginal prolapse usually occurs first and is followed by prolapse of the rectum.