Rhinitis with atrophy - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: respiratory system, nasal cavity
Possible causes: BordetelosisPasteurellosis
Observing a transversal cut of the nose, ventral turbinates are moderately and asimetrically reduced in size with a change of the normal features. Lesions are consistant with atrophic rhinitis and different severity could be evident with nasal deviation and asymmetric distortion of the surrounding bone structure, softening of the nasal septum and possible discharges due to secondary infection.
The primary pathologic mechanism is consistent with progressive atrophic rhinitis (PAR), a condition where toxin producing strains of the bacterium Pasteurella multocida (type D), cause progressive inflammation and atrophy of the tissues and nose distortion. PAR could be a serious condition both in weaned and growing pigs where specific control programmes are not implemented. A semi-quantitative scoring system (0-5) could quantify the amount and distribution of the pathological changes.
The pig was one of three from a herd (site 1 and 2) where specific vaccination program was implemented. No pigs demonstrated external noticeable deformities.