Scrotal rupture - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: genitourinary system, male genitourinay tract
Possible causes: HerniasOther
The unilateral swollen mass in the rear of the hind legs below the anus is a scrotal hernia.
It is thought that it is caused by failed obliteration of the process vaginalis after descent of the testis, or from failed involution at the internal inguinal ring such that it does not close off properly after the testes descend into the scrotum.
There is some genetic predisposition and some enviromental factors that can lead to an increase of ruptures. Some of those enviromental effects that could have an effect in the rate of hernias can be increased pressure at early age (piglet piling due to handling, cold temperature) or deficient castration technique.
Hernias can affect the growth of the animal, as well as its survival rate and the value of the carcass.