Serofibrinous pericarditis - Atlas of swine pathology

Where: cardiovascular system
Possible causes: AppEnzootic Pneumonia (EP)Glässer diseasePasteurellosisSalmonellosisStreptococcal infections
Lesion found in a finishing hog, in the slaughterhouse, consistent with serofibrinous pericarditis. The inflammatory process is characterized by the accumulation of fibrinous and serofibrinous exudate in the pericardial sac. It may sometimes contain sero-hemorrhagic exudate. These are often associated with lesions from pneumonia and pleuritis that characterize porcine pasteurelosis, Glasser's disease, salmonellosis and streptococcal infections. The inflammatory process of the serous membranes causes shedding of cells from the lining, and the surface of the pericardial sac appears matte, dull, with a rough appearance and deposition of filaments and pseudo fibrin membranes.