Photo of the week

Week of 31-Oct-2019
We notice dark diarrhea in finishing hogs. What could cause this?

Week of 25-Oct-2019
During meat inspection at the slaughterhouse, two globular masses were found in the ovarian insertion. After cutting the mass, its internal structure was similar to that of normal testicles. What is the name of this developmental abnormality?

Week of 18-Oct-2019
Lesion found at slaughter in the kidney of a fattening pig. What is this pathology compatible with?

Week of 11-Oct-2019
Red areas of cranioventral consolidation (hepatization) were detected in this lung at the slaughterhouse, suggesting enzootic pneumonia. What is the main agent associated with this condition?

Week of 04-Oct-2019
Lung at the slaughterhouse with foam mixed with fluid. What is the most likely cause?

Week of 20-Sep-2019
This suppuration was observed in the spinal column during the post-mortem slaughterhouse inspection of a pig carcass. What is it?

Week of 13-Sep-2019
Pictured on the left is an uninjured tail from a finishing hog, and on the right side a tail that suffered tail biting. What is the most common cause of this problem?

Week of 30-Aug-2019
Does the presence of this type of lesion always imply a disease problem?

Week of 23-Aug-2019
In a pen of growing pigs that had stopped eating, this kind of feces is seen on the floor. What could be the cause?

Week of 16-Aug-2019
This pig has an anomaly on its foot. Do you know what it is?

Week of 09-Aug-2019
In the slaughterhouse inflammation of the parietal and visceral face of the pericardium was found in a finishing hog. What is the name of this lesion?

Week of 01-Aug-2019
Litters that are 3 days old show vomiting and diarrhea that lasts two or three days. What could be the cause?

Week of 26-Jul-2019
A pen of fattening pigs stopped eating and have lost body condition. This pig's perianal area is dirty. What could be the cause?

Week of 19-Jul-2019
What could be the cause of this lesion?

Week of 12-Jul-2019
What disease could cause those lesions?

Week of 05-Jul-2019
What is the most probable etiology of this lesion?

Week of 27-Jun-2019
The origin of this lesion is?

Week of 20-Jun-2019
An animal with a certain respiratory distress and weight loss has this lesion. What can be its cause?

Week of 14-Jun-2019
In the necropsy of an animal with fever we found haemorrhagic and enlarged lymph nodes. What are the possible causes?

Week of 06-Jun-2019
The aspect of the lesion is more characteristic of a:

Week of 24-May-2019
This type of lesion appears in cases of:

Week of 10-May-2019
This animal showed very high fever as well as lethargy. What are the possible causes of these lesions?

Week of 03-May-2019
This animal showed respiratory problems. What can be the cause of these lung lesions?

Week of 26-Apr-2019
This lesion was found after the animal showed recurrent transient fever. Which are the possible causes?

Week of 18-Apr-2019
Which parasite is the culprit for these liver lesions?

Week of 12-Apr-2019
Which is the most probable cause for the deformation of this ear?

Week of 05-Apr-2019
Which can be the causes of splenomegaly?