Photo of the week

Week of 30-Dec-2022

Where are the larvae of Trichinella spiralis found?

Week of 22-Dec-2022

Hermaphroditism in pigs

Week of 16-Dec-2022

Clinical manifestations of widespread jaundice include:

Week of 09-Dec-2022

What is the cause of macular melanosis?

Week of 02-Dec-2022

In this I reproductive tract of a sow, what are the parts the arrows are pointing at?

Week of 25-Nov-2022

Where can the adult worms be found?

Week of 18-Nov-2022

What is the relationship between the tail and the lung?

Week of 11-Nov-2022

What are the organisms (arrowed) within the mucosa of the small intestine of this diarrhoeic piglet?

Week of 04-Nov-2022

What is the cause of the skin lesions on the face of this piglet?

Week of 28-Oct-2022

Which is the etiology of this intestinal lesion?

Week of 21-Oct-2022

What is the cause of death of this neonatal piglet ?

Week of 14-Oct-2022

Which lesion is this?

Week of 07-Oct-2022

Which was the cause of death of this animal?

Week of 30-Sep-2022

Which disease is related to this skin lesion?

Week of 23-Sep-2022

Which of the following bacteria is NOT related to this lesion?

Week of 16-Sep-2022

This aborted fetus comes from a sow with:

Week of 09-Sep-2022

Which is the etiology of this lesion?

Week of 02-Sep-2022

The absence of the lower jaw is called?

Week of 26-Aug-2022

These lesions detected in a pig slaughtered at 110 kg LW are due to:

Week of 19-Aug-2022

Which disease is related to this lesion?

Week of 12-Aug-2022

Which is the neoplasia observed in this spleen?

Week of 05-Aug-2022

Which neoplasia, affecting the penis, is this?

Week of 29-Jul-2022

What do you see in this heart?

Week of 22-Jul-2022

What is this foot lesion in a lame breeder pig?

Week of 15-Jul-2022

What is the cause of this lesion in a dead outdoor pig with swollen neck and throat ?

Week of 08-Jul-2022

What is this lesion identified at autopsy section of the nasal cavity from this 10-week-old pig?

Week of 01-Jul-2022

What is this lesion in the airways and lungs of this older finisher pig?