Epitheliogenesis imperfecta

Congenital condition in which the piglet is born with the absence of discrete areas of skin. It is rare.

Alternative names: aplasia cutis, imperfect skin


The piglet is born with the absence of discrete areas of skin. It usually occurs over the limbs or flanks and is usually associated with an individual animal (not a litter).


Sows, nursery pigs and fattening

  • Not seen.

Nursing piglets

  • At birth the piglet has areas of skin missing.


Causes / Contributing Factors

An abnormality during development.



Based on clinical signs.



  • None, since it is sporadic.
  • If the affected areas are small, the piglet will heal gradually.
  • In severe cases the piglet should be euthanized

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Epitheliogenesis imperfecta

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Atlas of pathology

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