Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome

The cause of hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in pigs is unknown, but it results in sudden death.

Alternative names: HBS


The cause of hemorrhagic bowel syndrome is unknown. It is thought to occur after high carbohydrate fermentation, but this has not been proven. Affected animals have good body condition and are usually found dead near the feeder. Pigs are very pale color and with a distended abdomen.



Gilts, young boars, and fattening stage

  • Sudden death.
  • Distended abdomen.
  • Pale pigs.
  • On very rare occasions large amounts of blood can be seen in the stool minutes before death.


Causes / Contributing Factors

  • The factors that cause or contribute to the syndrome are unknown.



  • Necropsy identifying a hemorrhagic intestine with bloody liquid content which does not coagulate. It is important to differentiate intestinal torsion or acute ileitis.



  • None.
  • It is suspected that the use of fiber in feed can decrease the incidence of outbreaks.
  • Some authors suggest using antibiotics in the feed, but this has not been confirmed.

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome

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