
Osteochondrosis is a non-infectious condition that causes lameness in fast-growing animals.


Osteochondrosis is a non-infectious condition characterized by a general degeneration of cartilage. It is influenced by genetics and is most commonly seen in fast-growing animals. It usually affects 6 week -18 month old animals. The humerus, femur, ribs, and 6th-8th lumbar vertebrae are the most commonly affected.



Gilts, young boars, and fattening stage

  • Lameness.

Causes / Contributing Factors

  • Genetics
  • Rapid growth


X-ray or necropsy evaluation of cartilage at the joints; especially of the humerus, femur, ribs, and 6th-8th lumbar vertebrae.



  • Genetic selection.
  • Altering the diet to mitigate rapid growth, especially incorporating extra fiber.
  • Use of deep bedding to minimize cartilage damage.
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