Rectal stricture

Rectal constriction or narrowing is a frequent pathology considered as a consequence of rectal prolapse.

Alternative names: Rectal constriction or narrowing


It is a common condition considered a consequence of rectal prolapse. There is scar tissue on the last section of the rectum- about a finger's length long.  It starts to shrink in on itself gradually and eventually closes completely.  Two small arteries originating from the aorta bring blood to the area where the constriction or narrowing occurs and some studies suggest that if these arteries are blocked or have thrombosis due to bacterial action, a rectal constriction or narrowing occurs. This condition has been linked to Salmonella.



Sows and nursing piglets

  • Not seen.

Nursery and fattening stage

  • Very liquid diarrhea shooting out in a thin stream.
  • Gradual enlargement of the abdomen.
  • Loss of body condition.
  • Constipation.

Causes / Contributing Factors

  • Infection and thrombosis of blood vessels.
  • Following a rectal prolapse.
  • Following a chronic irritation of the rectum (like Salmonella).



  • Based on clinical signs.



  • There is no treatment for this condition and as soon as pigs are diagnosed they should be taken to slaughter for welfare reasons.
  • Attempting to open a constriction by rectal palpation does not usually yield good results.
  • If there are rectal strictures or narrowing in a large number of animals occurring at the same time, this must be investigated to see if an infection is causing the problem (especially Salmonella). Consider using a strategic medication either as an injection, or in feed or water.

Atlas of pathology

See images in the Altlas related to Rectal stricture

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