Pig production data


Pork production -> Pig meat production per month

pig333 25-Aug-2017 18:26
Spain, that is still increasing its pork production (8,800 tonnes from January to May 2017, +0.5%), is getting closer and closer to Germany, the European leader, that has dropped its production by 43,000 tonnes (-1.9%) in the same period.

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Pork production -> Pig meat production per month

pig333 11-Aug-2017 10:51
In the first four months of 2017, the whole of the EU has suffered a fall in pork production by 183,100 tonnes (-2.4%) with respect to the same period in 2016, whilst the USA has grown by 75,900 tonnes (+2%).

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Pork production -> Pig meat production per year

pig333 18-Apr-2017 10:21
The EU produced 23.2 million tonnes of pork in 2016, 1.3% more than in 2015 and 1% more than the previous record in 2007.
Top 5 producers, millions of tonnes produced and their production share in 2016 were: Germany 5.57 (24%), Spain 4.06 (17.5%), France 1.99 (8.6%), Poland 1.96 (8.5%) and Denmark 1 , 57 (6.7%).

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Pork production -> Pig meat production per month

pig333 12-Jan-2017 1:13
With an accumulated production between January and October of 3.4 million tonnes, Spain has obtained the highest figures in each and every month of 2016 except July and October. The increase in production with respect to the same period in 2015 (164,000 tonnes, +5%) even exceeds that of the EEUU, that is also experiencing a great expansion in its production.

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Pork production -> Pig meat production per month

pig333 09-Nov-2016 10:20
USA has reached a production record in 6 of the 9 months of 2016 up to now. Until September it has produced a total of 8.3 million tonnes: 1.4% more than in the same period in 2015.

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Pork production -> Pig meat production per month

pig333 29-Sep-2016 10:53
In the first half of 2016, the EU has produced 1.6% (186,240 tonnes) more pork than in the same period in 2015. Spain (+6%) is the country with the highest rise, together with Poland (+4%). On the other hand, Denmark (-5%) and Belgium (-4%) are the countries with the greatest fall in production.

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Annual pig census -> Breeding sows

pig333 26-Feb-2016 19:10
Spain is the country in the EU with the highest sow census, and it is still growing (by 4.6% with respect to 2014), whilst in most of the countries the census is falling. Among the main producers, the most prominent drops have been in Germany (-4%), The Netherlands (-4.8%), France (-2.3%) and Poland (-14.8%).

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Annual pig census -> Total pigs

pig333 23-Feb-2016 10:13
With a census, in 2015, of 28.4 million pigs, 6.8% more than in 2014, Spain is now the first pig producer in Europe, beating Germany, with a census of 27.5 million pigs, after a decrease by 2.8%.

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