For every 100 g more of weight at farrowing colostrum intake increases by:
26-Aug-2015 The relationship between the amount of colostrum consumed and piglet mortality: 39% correct
19-Aug-2015 If we use brewer's yeast in liquid feed, we must bear in mind that: 34% correct
12-Aug-2015 If we suspect a Salmonella sp infection we will send to the laboratory samples of: 32% correct
06-Aug-2015 If we do not see rodents during the day (but we do see some during the evening/night), and we find faeces and chewing marks, we have a ….. infestation 29% correct
Random questions
18-Nov-2015 C. perfringens is a normal microbe in the piglet's gastrointestinal tract, but the only types considered as pathogenic are: 37% correct
15-Nov-2018 When ASF becomes endemic, the strains evolve differently, and they even cause asymptomatic infections. Which percentage of infected pigs can survive in an endemic situation? 34% correct
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14-Aug-2019 After how many days should an animal infected with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae develop good immunity and stop shedding? 45% correct
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12-Jan-2022 Which factors are leading to increased meat prices in the United States? 74% correct
Difficult questions
16-Sep-2020 At what point are the lactose and fat found in colostrum produced? 25% correct
23-Oct-2024 In France, what percent of pork is consumed as charcuterie? 26% correct
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 26% correct
01-Apr-2014 What improves profitability most according to a recent study in US? 26% correct