The 2009 Australian swine census was:
27-Dec-2011 The prevalent microorganism in sow urine with bacteriuria is: 45% correct
20-Dec-2011 The most common genetic defect is: 43% correct
15-Dec-2011 The main production zones in Canada are: 34% correct
31-Oct-2011 The census of pigs in Russia in early 2011 was: 44% correct
Random questions
25-Sep-2012 In year 2011, how many pigs were slaughtered in the EU?: 40% correct
04-Feb-2014 How long does the resolution of pleuritis take? 37% correct
26-Jun-2019 Regarding the first trimester of 2018, in 2019 Spain has imported 30% correct
06-Aug-2013 Which is the prevalence of lungs with pleurisy at the abattoirs? 42% correct
Easy questions
01-Sep-2021 How has pork production in China evolved in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020? 82% correct
14-Jun-2023 What does the gauge or position on the water medication dispenser regulator indicate? 73% correct
28-Feb-2024 What is machine learning? 82% correct
28-Sep-2022 Which of these hormonal changes occurs before the sow farrows? 86% correct
Difficult questions
15-Jul-2015 In the first weeks of the piglet's life, the gastrointestinal mucosa regenerates its lining 29% correct
10-Feb-2016 Blastocystis sp. can cause 29% correct
28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
21-Aug-2019 How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer? 25% correct