The EU is __ percent self-sufficient in regard to oilseed meal used for livestock feeding?
27-Nov-2019 In ingredients such as wheat or rye, which component promotes viscosity of intestinal content? 59% correct
20-Nov-2019 Overall sales of veterinary antibiotics across Europe between 2011 and 2017... 19% correct
13-Nov-2019 What does a positive ELISA test result for PRRS tells us? 34% correct
06-Nov-2019 Animal plasma, as an feed ingredient, is particularly rich in which amino acids? 40% correct
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31-Jan-2012 A boar can produce: 27% correct
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
30-May-2019 A possible use of probiotics in sows is 27% correct
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 27% correct