Which of the tail biting behavioral patterns is most likely caused due to a lack of access to resources?
26-Feb-2025 What is the two-stage tail biting behavioral pattern? 69% correct
19-Feb-2025 How should samples be sent for histopathology? 25% correct
12-Feb-2025 How has the number of pig farms evolved in Germany since 2014? 43% correct
05-Feb-2025 What are functional amino acids? 57% correct
Random questions
16-Jan-2013 In year 2012, the average number of weaned piglets per sow per year in Brazil was: 32% correct
05-Aug-2020 How did Mexican pork sales evolve from January to May of 2020? 50% correct
06-Aug-2013 Which is the prevalence of lungs with pleurisy at the abattoirs? 42% correct
10-Jul-2012 During pregnancy, maintenance of the sow represents: 36% correct
Easy questions
28-Jul-2021 What is the relationship between a piglet's energy reserves at birth and its energy requirements? 75% correct
11-Oct-2023 Which assay can be used for rotavirus A, B, and C? 79% correct
11-Dec-2024 What is an example of chemical treatment of feed? 84% correct
28-Aug-2024 What is the first limiting essential amino acid in swine? 82% correct
Difficult questions
16-Sep-2014 What may be the impact of differentiated feeding depending on the gender? 28% correct
11-Feb-2014 With respect to Haemophilus parasuis: 28% correct
23-Oct-2024 In France, what percent of pork is consumed as charcuterie? 26% correct
15-Jul-2015 In the first weeks of the piglet's life, the gastrointestinal mucosa regenerates its lining 29% correct