What is the "common mucosal immune system"?
29-Mar-2017 Comparing females and barrows in the fattening unit, the expected results are: 39% correct
22-Mar-2017 The leading value destination for U.S. pork exports in 2016 was: 33% correct
15-Mar-2017 A commercial vaccine based on a specific App serotype isolated in Europe ¿would it confer protection against the same serotype isolated in Asia? 38% correct
08-Mar-2017 The three main destinations for European pork exports in 2016 were, in this order: 36% correct
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27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
16-Sep-2020 At what point are the lactose and fat found in colostrum produced? 25% correct
18-Jan-2017 The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe 29% correct
07-Oct-2015 Is PED a notifiable disease in Europe? 25% correct