The prevalence of the toxigenic Pasteurella multocida
26-Feb-2013 In Europe, the pig producers that have subscribed the European Declaration on alternatives to the castration of pigs will abandon surgical castration as of: 35% correct
19-Feb-2013 Bordetella bronchiseptica 38% correct
12-Feb-2013 Salmonella can resist in compound feeds or dust, at room temperature, up to 33% correct
05-Feb-2013 The main species of Brachyspira in swine are: 62% correct
Random questions
29-Oct-2013 The most suitable particle size for the feed of sows is: 37% correct
13-Dec-2023 Which country is the leading European producer of animal feed? 60% correct
12-Feb-2020 According to official statistics, how much did pork production in China decline in 2019? 35% correct
16-Nov-2016 Which pathogens can increase the problems due to an infection with influenza? 47% correct
Easy questions
02-Dec-2020 How long should ropes be left in the pen for oral fluid collection? 79% correct
31-Jul-2024 What causes rickets? 85% correct
09-Dec-2020 Is there any advantage for newly weaned piglets to have more trough space? 75% correct
18-Oct-2023 What is the role of vitamin D at the intestinal level? 71% correct
Difficult questions
10-Feb-2016 Blastocystis sp. can cause 29% correct
28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
16-Dec-2020 All (100%) of Russia's live pig exports have gone to which country in the first 10 months of 2020? 27% correct
17-Apr-2012 In 2010 EU produced 28% correct