Removing the divisions in the nursery room allows to take advantage of the corridor space, increasing the total surface by:
28-Sep-2016 The increase in prolificacy has entailed a decrease in the space available for weaned piglets by: 39% correct
21-Sep-2016 After Cyprus, the European country with higher sales of antibiotics for livestock in terms of mg/PCU, is: 37% correct
14-Sep-2016 Pressing the head against an obstacle or wall is a characteristic neurological symptom of 44% correct
07-Sep-2016 The use of plastic socks for collecting faeces samples and for detecting the optimum time for treatment... 31% correct
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06-Jul-2017 What has been the trend on fresh pork consumption in Spain in the last ten years? 28% correct
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 27% correct
17-Apr-2012 In 2010 EU produced 28% correct
08-Apr-2014 The dorso-caudally located pleuritis... 29% correct