The PCV2 is excreted through:
31-Dec-2012 Since the first description of the PCV2 in 1998, the presence of this virus has been demonstrated in: 36% correct
24-Dec-2012 The first "wasting" outbreaks were diagnosed in: 33% correct
19-Dec-2012 The PCV2 is known since 26% correct
12-Dec-2012 The presence of antibodies against the PCV2 38% correct
Random questions
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21-Apr-2021 Which two North American countries recently agreed to a trade protocol regarding ASF status? 67% correct
Easy questions
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22-Jan-2025 Which necrospy finding is characteristic of hemorrhagic enteritis? 82% correct
11-Nov-2020 Which procedure would you NOT find in the McREBELTM PRRS program? 72% correct
06-Mar-2024 Which country weaned the most pigs per sow per year in 2022? (among the options below) 85% correct
Difficult questions
31-Jan-2012 A boar can produce: 27% correct
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 26% correct
29-Aug-2018 What's the IPMA? 28% correct
25-Jan-2018 What was the estimated wild boar census in Spain in 2016-2017 year? 29% correct