A pig has about:
02-Apr-2013 According to a study, the most used antimicrobial drug in swine in the USA is: 33% correct
27-Mar-2013 The majority of the antibiotics have a 41% correct
19-Mar-2013 The piglets born to young sows (1st and 2nd parturition sows) are normally: 41% correct
13-Mar-2013 The use of 3rd- and 4th-generation cephalosporins has been restricted for veterinary use in: 35% correct
Random questions
30-Mar-2016 How high is the amount of crude protein (based on dry matter) that a piglet at maximum can digest? 35% correct
10-Sep-2013 What has a higher influence on the fatty acid composition of the liver, heart and fatty tissue? 33% correct
31-Dec-2013 With respect to the vaccination of the piglets against PRRS 43% correct
18-Jan-2017 The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe 30% correct
Easy questions
09-Mar-2022 Which of the following describes antimicrobial susceptibility testing? 81% correct
27-Apr-2022 Which country has declared that the use of permanent farrowing crates will be banned by 2035? 76% correct
28-Feb-2024 What is machine learning? 82% correct
20-Jul-2022 What is the predominant type of livestock in Spain according to livestock unit in 2020? 72% correct
Difficult questions
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 27% correct
16-Sep-2014 What may be the impact of differentiated feeding depending on the gender? 28% correct
06-Jul-2017 What has been the trend on fresh pork consumption in Spain in the last ten years? 28% correct