The pig has:
02-Jul-2013 The complete genome of the pig was sequenced in: 32% correct
25-Jun-2013 The notification of a primary source of a notifiable disease: 42% correct
18-Jun-2013 The lists A and B of notifiable diseases were replaced by a single list in year: 34% correct
11-Jun-2013 According to the Eurostat's data, in 2012 the swine census in the EU-27 countries: 31% correct
Random questions
12-Jan-2022 Which factors are leading to increased meat prices in the United States? 74% correct
09-Sep-2020 How many genotypes of PCV-2 have been described to date? 33% correct
27-Jan-2015 Regarding the use of PCR for the diagnosis of PCV2 problems, which of the following statements is true? 37% correct
22-Feb-2018 What are the main compounds responsible of boar taint in entire male carcasses? 37% correct
Easy questions
09-Dec-2020 Is there any advantage for newly weaned piglets to have more trough space? 74% correct
20-Jul-2022 What is the predominant type of livestock in Spain according to livestock unit in 2020? 72% correct
10-Aug-2022 Which of the following can act as a reservoir for African swine fever virus? 79% correct
02-May-2024 What are possible causes of tailbiting? 73% correct
Difficult questions
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 27% correct
10-Jun-2014 With respect to the new PCV2 strains (mPCV2)... 26% correct
25-Jan-2018 What was the estimated wild boar census in Spain in 2016-2017 year? 29% correct
15-Jul-2015 In the first weeks of the piglet's life, the gastrointestinal mucosa regenerates its lining 29% correct