The pig has:
02-Jul-2013 The complete genome of the pig was sequenced in: 32% correct
25-Jun-2013 The notification of a primary source of a notifiable disease: 42% correct
18-Jun-2013 The lists A and B of notifiable diseases were replaced by a single list in year: 34% correct
11-Jun-2013 According to the Eurostat's data, in 2012 the swine census in the EU-27 countries: 31% correct
Random questions
10-Aug-2017 Which bacteria are associated with the presence of polyserositis in nursery piglets? 40% correct
15-Jun-2016 The housefly lives for: 33% correct
10-May-2023 What is the primary vector of getahvirus (GETV)? 73% correct
06-Mar-2019 The 4 main soybean producing countries in 2018-19 were: 35% correct
Easy questions
14-Jun-2023 What does the gauge or position on the water medication dispenser regulator indicate? 73% correct
26-Jun-2024 What can be done to help protect vaccines in large refrigerators in case of malfunction? 75% correct
10-Jun-2020 In China, most of the reported ASF outbreaks at the beginning of the year were attributed to: 83% correct
10-Aug-2022 Which of the following can act as a reservoir for African swine fever virus? 79% correct
Difficult questions
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
13-May-2020 How does the use of nurse sows affect the spread of the flu virus? 25% correct
21-Aug-2019 How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer? 24% correct
17-Jan-2012 During stimulation with the 5 point pattern, sitting on the sow during IA: 29% correct