Which virus is largest: ASF, PRRS, or PED?
02-Oct-2024 Agriculture is responsible for what percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the USA? 48% correct
25-Sep-2024 What could happen if a pig consumed a high level of pyrrolizidine alkaloids? 60% correct
18-Sep-2024 On a farm with poor health status, how often should vaccine needles be changed between sows? 58% correct
11-Sep-2024 What size needle is appropriate for weaned piglets? 52% correct
Random questions
06-Aug-2015 If we do not see rodents during the day (but we do see some during the evening/night), and we find faeces and chewing marks, we have a ….. infestation 29% correct
27-Jan-2021 Do needle-less vaccines generate the same level of immunity as intramuscular injections? 61% correct
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12-Jun-2024 Who were the top European pork exporters in 2023? 52% correct
Easy questions
15-May-2024 What are pyrrolizidine alkaloids? 78% correct
28-Aug-2024 What is the first limiting essential amino acid in swine? 82% correct
27-Nov-2024 Where can I find a world map of ASF outbreaks? 87% correct
15-Sep-2021 How does sunflower meal compare to soybean meal? 84% correct
Difficult questions
10-Apr-2019 In all Europe, hunters provide feed to the wild boars. Do you know the amount? 28% correct
07-Jan-2015 Why is the piglet's FCR almost 1 shorty after weaning? 28% correct
16-Sep-2020 At what point are the lactose and fat found in colostrum produced? 25% correct
20-Jun-2018 What has been the evolution in the production of organic pork in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2017? 28% correct