The time from birth to the first suckling...
02-Sep-2015 For every 100 g more of weight at farrowing colostrum intake increases by: 35% correct
26-Aug-2015 The relationship between the amount of colostrum consumed and piglet mortality: 39% correct
19-Aug-2015 If we use brewer's yeast in liquid feed, we must bear in mind that: 34% correct
12-Aug-2015 If we suspect a Salmonella sp infection we will send to the laboratory samples of: 33% correct
Random questions
01-Jul-2014 In which areas is the ASF currently located? 34% correct
06-May-2015 The 2013 PED cases in USA were caused by the following strain: 34% correct
19-Oct-2016 The piglet reaches its digestive and immunological maturity between the 37% correct
18-Apr-2018 What has been the pig production trend in Chile in the last 5 years? 31% correct
Easy questions
16-Mar-2022 What production target has China set for its pork? 78% correct
07-Oct-2020 The type of fish used to produce fish meal and how it is stored have a direct affect on which of the following? 84% correct
09-Dec-2020 Is there any advantage for newly weaned piglets to have more trough space? 74% correct
19-Apr-2023 Which countries saw increased pork production in 2022? 76% correct
Difficult questions
28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
13-May-2020 How does the use of nurse sows affect the spread of the flu virus? 26% correct
19-Dec-2012 The PCV2 is known since 26% correct
11-Feb-2014 With respect to Haemophilus parasuis: 28% correct