How many genotypes of PCV-2 have been described to date?
02-Sep-2020 Which of these diseases is NOT caused by a virus belonging to the coronavirus family? 68% correct
26-Aug-2020 The onset of a tail-biting outbreak is related to... 63% correct
19-Aug-2020 Clinical problems with PMWS correspond with: 30% correct
12-Aug-2020 Monitoring multiparous sows on PRRS positive farms should be done preferably... 52% correct
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12-Dec-2012 The presence of antibodies against the PCV2 38% correct
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05-May-2022 What will you receive when you join Pig333's new WhatsApp group? 55% correct
02-Sep-2015 For every 100 g more of weight at farrowing colostrum intake increases by: 35% correct
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13-Oct-2021 Which method is most commonly used in slaughterhouses to detect and classify boar taint in carcasses of entire male pigs? 74% correct
23-Dec-2020 What relationship exists between the sows' acceptance of contact by the farmer and the farm performance? 93% correct
02-May-2024 What are possible causes of tailbiting? 72% correct
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16-Dec-2020 All (100%) of Russia's live pig exports have gone to which country in the first 10 months of 2020? 27% correct
28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
23-Oct-2024 In France, what percent of pork is consumed as charcuterie? 26% correct
30-Sep-2020 Pigs that consume a dry, meal diet compared to pelleted feed, take... 26% correct