The needle-free vaccination devices:
03-Aug-2016 The infection caused by C. difficile mainly affects: 38% correct
27-Jul-2016 In cases of chronic infection with App, when do the piglets become infected? 35% correct
20-Jul-2016 Reducing the pigs' body temperature in summer improves: 38% correct
13-Jul-2016 The iron requirements of suckling piglets for the synthesis of haemoglobin are of at least 10 mg/day, but the sow's milk only contributes 36% correct
Random questions
30-Mar-2016 How high is the amount of crude protein (based on dry matter) that a piglet at maximum can digest? 35% correct
15-Feb-2017 Is it correct that pigs are also susceptible to influenza viruses of human and avian origin and if yes, why? 37% correct
31-Mar-2021 How long does semen live inside the sow? 62% correct
25-Jun-2013 The notification of a primary source of a notifiable disease: 42% correct
Easy questions
15-Nov-2023 Where are the main molecules involved in boar taint produced in the body? 75% correct
31-Jul-2024 What causes rickets? 85% correct
10-May-2023 What is the primary vector of getahvirus (GETV)? 73% correct
06-Mar-2024 Which country weaned the most pigs per sow per year in 2022? (among the options below) 85% correct
Difficult questions
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
07-Dec-2022 How much have Spanish imports of live pigs increased this year? (through September) 28% correct
23-Oct-2024 In France, what percent of pork is consumed as charcuterie? 26% correct
08-Apr-2014 The dorso-caudally located pleuritis... 28% correct