Which of these viruses is larger?
27-Sep-2018 Resistomes in pig faeces are: 33% correct
20-Sep-2018 Does an excessive brightness have any effect on tail biting? 39% correct
12-Sep-2018 What's a resistome? 32% correct
05-Sep-2018 The pigs affected by the first ASF outbreak in China came from a market in Jiamusi. Do you know how far it is from the Russian border? 37% correct
Random questions
06-Feb-2019 The faecal microbiota transplantation in pigs that later became infected with PRRS and PCV-2... 37% correct
17-Jun-2020 Which vaccination generates the most adverse behavioral reactions in piglets? 54% correct
28-Dec-2022 How much of a pig's water needs comes from drinking water? 51% correct
19-Oct-2022 Which of these terms does NOT refer to a botanical or phytogenic product used in animal feed? 63% correct
Easy questions
15-Sep-2021 How does sunflower meal compare to soybean meal? 84% correct
17-Jan-2024 Which country has the lowest cost of pig production? (out of the options below) 74% correct
10-Apr-2024 What is the first step of performing a necropsy of a piglet in lateral decubitus? 81% correct
09-Dec-2020 Is there any advantage for newly weaned piglets to have more trough space? 75% correct
Difficult questions
07-Dec-2022 How much have Spanish imports of live pigs increased this year? (through September) 28% correct
28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
08-Apr-2014 The dorso-caudally located pleuritis... 28% correct
10-Jun-2014 With respect to the new PCV2 strains (mPCV2)... 26% correct