The inclusion of extracts of algae in diets for piglets:
05-Jun-2012 The increase in meat consumption in recent decades has been mainly: 32% correct
29-May-2012 To produce vitamin D animals need: 47% correct
22-May-2012 Commercially, a sow can produce: 40% correct
15-May-2012 Almost half of the grain produced in the EU comes from: 35% correct
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24-Mar-2021 In Peru, how much pork did the average person consume in 2019? 32% correct
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07-Sep-2016 The use of plastic socks for collecting faeces samples and for detecting the optimum time for treatment... 31% correct
22-Jul-2015 The intestinal transit time in piglets up to 8 weeks old is: 33% correct
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29-Dec-2021 In Germany, how did the use of veterinary antibiotics evolve in 2020 compared to the year prior? 23% correct
21-Aug-2019 How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer? 25% correct
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
09-Jan-2020 Which statement about sorghum is true? 28% correct