What are some examples of eubiotics?
05-Oct-2022 How long does the ASF virus remain viable at 37Cº? 53% correct
28-Sep-2022 Which of these hormonal changes occurs before the sow farrows? 86% correct
14-Sep-2022 When talking about essential oils in the context of animal feeding, what does "essential" mean? 47% correct
07-Sep-2022 How did German pork production evolve in the first half of 2022? 67% correct
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29-Nov-2023 How did EU pigmeat production evolve in the first half of 2023? 81% correct
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16-Sep-2014 What may be the impact of differentiated feeding depending on the gender? 28% correct
10-Mar-2021 How much feed did U.S. hogs consume in 2019? 17% correct
29-Aug-2018 What's the IPMA? 28% correct
02-Dec-2014 What are the estimated losses related to M.hyopneumoniae in US during the fattening stage? 24% correct