ASF infection can be caused with as low as how many hemagglutination units (HAU)?
06-Jan-2021 How has hog slaughter evolved in Canada during the first 3 quarters of 2020? 48% correct
30-Dec-2020 Since 2015, antibiotic usage in the UK pig sector has dropped by how much? 52% correct
23-Dec-2020 What relationship exists between the sows' acceptance of contact by the farmer and the farm performance? 93% correct
16-Dec-2020 All (100%) of Russia's live pig exports have gone to which country in the first 10 months of 2020? 27% correct
Random questions
27-May-2014 With respect to the PCV2 genotypes detected more frequently in pigs: 35% correct
11-Dec-2019 What are the anti-nutritional factors of soy? 36% correct
04-Jun-2013 According to the Eurostat's data, which 3 countries led the swine census in 2012?: 34% correct
05-Jun-2012 The increase in meat consumption in recent decades has been mainly: 32% correct
Easy questions
23-Dec-2020 What relationship exists between the sows' acceptance of contact by the farmer and the farm performance? 93% correct
28-Sep-2022 Which of these hormonal changes occurs before the sow farrows? 85% correct
04-Oct-2023 For how many weeks has Spain's Mercolleida pig price remained at 2.03 euros/kg live? 71% correct
07-Apr-2021 Which is a risk factor for colibacillosis presentation in the nursery? 84% correct
Difficult questions
20-Jun-2018 What has been the evolution in the production of organic pork in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2017? 28% correct
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
27-Oct-2016 In the USA the vaccination against the PCV2 has been carried out since 26% correct
23-Sep-2014 What is the weaned piglets' feeding pattern? 26% correct