A sow reaches its lactation peak at:
07-Aug-2012 Lameness caused by infection may be due to: 31% correct
31-Jul-2012 How much colostrum does a piglet need to eat at birth? 38% correct
24-Jul-2012 In split nursing larger piglets are separated during 30% correct
17-Jul-2012 Water with high levels of sulfates on a fattening farm: 31% correct
Random questions
18-Jan-2018 What percentage of wild pigs should be removed annually to prevent that the population keeps increasing? 48% correct
19-Oct-2016 The piglet reaches its digestive and immunological maturity between the 37% correct
20-Jan-2016 Does tail docking prevent tail biting? 30% correct
22-Jan-2013 In the USA the PRRS implies a cost of: 31% correct
Easy questions
07-Aug-2024 What does the acidification of slurry do? 76% correct
10-Apr-2024 What is the first step of performing a necropsy of a piglet in lateral decubitus? 81% correct
06-Apr-2022 What is one way to help maintain the fertilizer quality of slurry? 73% correct
25-Aug-2021 What does seasonality affect? 82% correct
Difficult questions
15-Jul-2015 In the first weeks of the piglet's life, the gastrointestinal mucosa regenerates its lining 29% correct
05-Nov-2013 In Japan in 2011, pork importations represented about: 29% correct
07-Dec-2022 How much have Spanish imports of live pigs increased this year? (through September) 28% correct
10-Jun-2014 With respect to the new PCV2 strains (mPCV2)... 26% correct