The housefly lives for:
08-Jun-2016 Ear necrosis is bilateral 32% correct
01-Jun-2016 The use of the post-cervical insemination allows to reduce the doses to: 35% correct
25-May-2016 Which of the following viruses has a lower ratio of transmission? 27% correct
18-May-2016 If they can choose, the piglets in the nursery prefer a night temperature: 32% correct
Random questions
28-Sep-2022 Which of these hormonal changes occurs before the sow farrows? 86% correct
19-Jun-2024 Which statement regarding vaccine storage is FALSE? 62% correct
19-Nov-2013 With respect to the prices of the raw materials at an international level: 31% correct
28-Dec-2018 Current PCR tests... 29% correct
Easy questions
26-Jun-2024 What can be done to help protect vaccines in large refrigerators in case of malfunction? 75% correct
20-Dec-2023 What is the World Health Organization's definition of One Health? 73% correct
09-Nov-2022 Which membrane filtration process can concentrate salts? 78% correct
11-Oct-2023 Which assay can be used for rotavirus A, B, and C? 77% correct
Difficult questions
16-Sep-2015 How many different PEDv serotypes are known? 27% correct
21-Aug-2019 How does incorporating citrus pulp into the diet affect nitrous oxide emissions (greenhouse gas) by using manure as fertilizer? 25% correct
29-Dec-2021 In Germany, how did the use of veterinary antibiotics evolve in 2020 compared to the year prior? 23% correct
17-Jan-2012 During stimulation with the 5 point pattern, sitting on the sow during IA: 29% correct