Pigs were domesticated simultaneously in Europe and Asia:
09-Apr-2013 A pig has about: 34% correct
02-Apr-2013 According to a study, the most used antimicrobial drug in swine in the USA is: 33% correct
27-Mar-2013 The majority of the antibiotics have a 41% correct
19-Mar-2013 The piglets born to young sows (1st and 2nd parturition sows) are normally: 41% correct
Random questions
17-Jun-2020 Which vaccination generates the most adverse behavioral reactions in piglets? 54% correct
20-Jul-2017 Which statement regarding the mange mite is false? 33% correct
22-Nov-2023 What level of bacterial diversity in the nasal microbiota at weaning increases piglet predisposition of developing polyserositis? 55% correct
05-Jul-2023 Which country in the EU reported the most ASF outbreaks in wild boar in the first quarter of 2023? 54% correct
Easy questions
11-Dec-2024 What is an example of chemical treatment of feed? 83% correct
29-Nov-2023 How did EU pigmeat production evolve in the first half of 2023? 82% correct
07-Jun-2023 Which is a natural antioxidant used in preserving raw materials, fats, and oils? 78% correct
24-Nov-2021 What is the estimated difference in SID Lys requirements between finishing males and females? 87% correct
Difficult questions
16-Sep-2014 What may be the impact of differentiated feeding depending on the gender? 28% correct
16-Sep-2020 In the context of semen storage, what effect can plastics containing BADGE have? 27% correct
19-Dec-2012 The PCV2 is known since 26% correct
10-Apr-2019 In all Europe, hunters provide feed to the wild boars. Do you know the amount? 28% correct