What should be included in the maintenance of the dead stock container?
09-Jun-2021 What will happen if sow nutrient intake during the transition period is not sufficient for body maintenance? 68% correct
04-Jun-2021 Following China, which country imported the most EU pork in the first quarter of 2021? 38% correct
26-May-2021 Moving ropes used for oral fluid collection between several pens helps... 54% correct
19-May-2021 Sows with a short wean-to-service interval (WSI) usually have 59% correct
Random questions
14-Mar-2018 Which of these notifiable diseases DOES NOT have a vaccine for its control? 54% correct
09-Jul-2014 Which of these pathogens is more contagious (has a higher R0)? 37% correct
27-Aug-2013 After the launching of 333's website in Chinese (www.pig333.cn), in how many different languages is 333 available? 27% correct
06-Apr-2022 What is one way to help maintain the fertilizer quality of slurry? 73% correct
Easy questions
19-Apr-2023 Which countries saw increased pork production in 2022? 74% correct
15-Sep-2021 How does sunflower meal compare to soybean meal? 84% correct
17-Jan-2024 Which country has the lowest cost of pig production? (out of the options below) 74% correct
11-Oct-2023 Which assay can be used for rotavirus A, B, and C? 79% correct
Difficult questions
08-Apr-2014 The dorso-caudally located pleuritis... 28% correct
30-Apr-2013 Japan is the first pig meat importer in the world with: 29% correct
29-Dec-2021 In Germany, how did the use of veterinary antibiotics evolve in 2020 compared to the year prior? 23% correct
18-Jan-2017 The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe 29% correct