The prevalence of subtype H1N1dpm of the influenza virus in Europe
11-Jan-2017 The microbiome of pigs reared outdoors or indoors is 37% correct
04-Jan-2017 'Choice feeding' is: 34% correct
28-Dec-2016 “Ghost sows” are those that 31% correct
21-Dec-2016 Socialising piglets starting in the farrowing quarters 35% correct
Random questions
18-Dec-2024 Can vibrations affect semen dose quality? 99% correct
25-Sep-2019 What is the level of self-sufficiiency of the pork russian market today? 36% correct
13-May-2015 Based on retrospective serological surveys, the first evidence of PRRSV in Europe dates back to: 34% correct
03-Feb-2015 Which infection with Escherichia coli is accompanied with swelling of the eyelids? 37% correct
Easy questions
03-Jun-2020 Why is it important to first remove biofilms before disinfecting hog transportation vehicles? 85% correct
23-Dec-2020 What relationship exists between the sows' acceptance of contact by the farmer and the farm performance? 93% correct
18-Oct-2023 What is the role of vitamin D at the intestinal level? 71% correct
04-Oct-2023 For how many weeks has Spain's Mercolleida pig price remained at 2.03 euros/kg live? 71% correct
Difficult questions
10-Mar-2021 How much feed did U.S. hogs consume in 2019? 17% correct
20-Jun-2018 What has been the evolution in the production of organic pork in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2017? 28% correct
08-Apr-2014 The dorso-caudally located pleuritis... 29% correct
13-Nov-2024 Which country consumes the most pork in Europe? 26% correct